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In principle and in practice, NAWBO values and seeks a diverse and inclusive membership. NAWBO seeks full participation in the organization by all business owners who support our mission to empower women entrepreneurs, regardless of race, religion, age, sexual orientation, national origin or disability.

DEIB Events 2024-2025

DEIB Committee Calls  (Oct 16, Jan 15, April 16)

MLK Walk (January 20, 2025) 

Dream Week (January 10-26, 2025) 

Note From Nisi: DEI&B BOD Director

Dear NAWBO San Antonio members,

I am honored and thrilled to be your DEIB Director for NAWBO San Antonio and I look forward to all of the amazing adventures that we will be embarking on together! I believe that our chapter has the potential to achieve great things and I am excited to be part of such an inspiring group of women.

We will be working to create an inclusive and diverse environment that welcomes all women in business. Our goal is to create a culture that fosters collaboration, mutual respect, and support. We also strive to build a strong network of women who are passionate about their work and are constantly learning and growing together.

I am excited to harness the power of our chapter members and to create a better business environment for us all. I am confident that together we can make great strides in the business world and create a world of opportunity for women in business.

At first, DEIB can seem like a daunting concept, but it is important to remember that it is not a one-size-fits-all approach. Every chapter is different and requires its own approach to DEIB.

DEIB is all about understanding and appreciating the differences in people and creating an environment where everyone feels safe and valued. It is about creating an environment where everyone can contribute, be heard, and feel respected. This includes understanding and respecting a variety of cultural backgrounds, gender identities, abilities, and beliefs.

DEIB will sometimes require us to have difficult conversations. As leaders, the goal of these conversations is not to agree — it is to gain a deeper understanding. It does require us to participate to the fullest of our ability because Chapter growth depends on the inclusion of every voice. Regardless of position or title, we are all leaders and leaders lean into discomfort. Learning happens on the edge of our comfort zones and when we push ourselves to be open to new ideas and experiences even if they initially seem uncomfortable. NAWBOSA is not asking members to change their beliefs but to understand National has crafted our DEIB statement that needs to be upheld as a local chapter; in principle and practice.

Thank you for your support and I can’t wait to get started!

Sincerely, Nisi


By 2025, NAWBO will be broadly recognized as the most inclusive and diverse organization for entrepreneurial women in the United States.

Members, national or local leaders, headquarter staff or partners are expected to report incidents that violate NAWBO’s Inclusion Code of Conduct by contacting the DEI&B Hotline at NAWBO’s toll-free number – 800.556.2926 or on the online NAWBO Incident Reporting Form here.

To report incidents that violate this policy within your chapter, please contact your chapter’s DEI&B Chair or Board or Committee leader designated to spearhead the reporting and resolution process. If your chapter cannot resolve or needs additional assistance, it can contact the NAWBO HQ DEI&B committee at or report on the National DEI&B Hotline listed above. 

P.O.Box 460724

San Antonio, TX  78246


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